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Emergent Quantum Matter with Topology and Correlation
Dates : November 25(Mon) ~ November 28(Thu), 2024
Venue : KIAS Building 1(5th floor), 1503
Recent developments in quantum matter research have opened new avenues in several interesting directions beyond the traditional areas. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss some of these emerging themes in experimental and theoretical studies of quantum matter. In particular, the workshop will focus on the following areas.
1. Newly-developed theoretical approaches to quantum matter
2. Low-dimensional quantum materials and magnetism
3. Quantum matter and quantum information science
Invited Speakers
Kwang-Yong Choi (SKKU)
Gil Young Cho (POSTECH)
Laura Classen (MPI Stuttgart and Tech Univ of Munich)
Trithep Devakul (Stanford)
Luca Delacretaz (Chicago)
Yasir Iqbal (IIT)
Yeongkwan Kim (KAIST)
So Yeun Kim (DGIST)
Yves Kwan (Princeton)
Gil-Ho Lee (POSTECH)
Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST)
Shuichi Murakami (Tokyo Inst Tech)
Takashi Oka(Tokyo/ISSP)
Sid Parameswaran (Oxford)
Adrian Po (HKUST)
Moonjip Park (HYU)
Nic Shannon (OIST)
Xueyang Song (HKUST)
Young-Woo Son (KIAS)
Simon Trebst (Cologne)
Yuan Wan (IOP)
Zhong Wang (Tsinghua)
Liujun Zou (NUS)
Yong Baek Kim (KIAS / University of Toronto)
Kyusung Hwang (KIAS)
Gil Young Cho (POSTECH)
SungBin Lee (KAIST)
Inquiry : Aeri Ryu (arryu20@kias.re.kr / 02-958-2640)