KIAS Combinatorics Workshop Series |

19th Workshop | Home > 19th Workshop |
The 19th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop will be held in KIAS on February 26th-27th, 2018.
(Main Organizers: Young Soo Kwon, Sun-Young Nam)
- Date: February 26th-27th (Mon-Tue), 2018
- Venue: Room 1503, KIAS
- Invited speakers:
- Ilkyoo Choi (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
- Seung-Il Choi (Seoul National University)
- Boran Kim (Ewha Womans University)
- SangWook Kim (Chonnam National University)
- Seung Jin Lee (Seoul National University)
- Minwon Na (Sogang University)
- Seungsang Oh (Korea University)
- Jongyook Park (Wonkwang University)
- Joungmin Song (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
- Registration: We are sorry that the accomodation support is closed. But the registration is still open.
- Support
(1) Meal: We provide all meals during the workshop to all participants.
(2) Accommodation:
- We will support accommonations for up to 30 participants who live outside Seoul (Closed). We will make a reservation for you at one of KIAS accommodation facilities on the basis of first come, first served. Please notice that you may share a room with other participants if the number of pre-registered participants is much larger than our expectation.
- Schedule (Click HERE for abstracts)
[1st Day: Feburuay 26 (Mon)]
13:00 ~ 13:55 Registration
13:55 ~ 14:00 Opening adress
14:00 ~ 14:40 [Talk 1] Seungsang Oh
Domino tilings on various Aztec diamonds and Delannoy paths
14:50 ~ 15:30 [Talk 2] SangWook Kim
Enumeration of Fuss-Schr”{o}der paths by type
15:30 ~ 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 ~ 16:40 [Talk 3] Seung Jin Lee
Double Stanley symmetric functions
16:50 ~ 17:30 [Talk 4] Seung-Il Choi
Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and non-symmetric Cauchy identity
18:00 ~ Dinner
[2nd Day: February 27 (Tue)]
9: 00 ~ 9: 30 Coffee Break
9: 30 ~ 10:10 [Talk 5] Ilkyoo Choi
Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star chromatic number
10:20 ~ 11:00 [Talk 6] Jongyook Park
Partially metric association schemes with a multiplicity three
11:00 ~ 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 ~ 12:10 [Talk 7] Joungmin Song
Characteristic polynomials of hyperplane arrangement $mathcal{J}_n$ via enumerative combinatorics and finite field method
12:10 ~ 14:00 Lunch
14:00 ~ 14:40 [Talk 8] Boran Kim
Minimum weights of algebraic geometry codes
14:50 ~ 15:30 [Talk 9] Minwon Na
Optimal non-projective linear codes constructed from down-sets