KIAS Combinatorics Workshop Series

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The 5th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop will be held at KIAS on September 26-27, 2014.



  • Date: September 26-27 (Fri-Sat), 2014
  • Venue: KIAS, #1114 International Conference Room
  • Invited Speakers
    JiYoon Jung (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
    Bumtle Kang (Seoul National University)
    Hana Kim (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
    Sandi Klavzar (University of Ljubljana)
    Jaeun Lee (Yeungnam University)
    Mark Siggers (Kyungpook National University)
    Norihide Tokushige (University of the Ryukyus)


  • Support
    Accommodation: We support accommodations for September 26th to only students and speakers. For more inoformation on accommodation facilities please see Accommodation Page.
    - We will make a reservation for you (except students) at one of KIAS accommodation facilities if you check "YES" in the registration form and submit it before September 11th, but rooms are available on the basis of first come, first served. We will give you a notice via email before September 12th whether a room at KIAS for you is available or not.
  • (We already email to all participants who asked a room at KIAS via registration page. If you registered before September 11th, asked a room at KIAS via registration page, and did not get an email yet, then please let us know.)
    - For students, your cost of accommodation for Semtember 26th will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of KRW 40,000.
    Meal: We provide all meals during the workshop to all participants.



  • -이번 5th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop에서는 KIAS 내에 숙박시설에 여유가 없어, 강연자와 학생 참가자를 제외한 일반참가자분들 중 키아스 내 숙박을 원하시는 분들은 9월 11일까지 신청하신 분들에 한하여, 선착순으로 키아스내 숙소를 예약해드립니다. 키아스 내 숙소를 이용가능하신지에 대한 여부는 9월 12일에 메일로 알려드리겠습니다.
  • (등록페이지를 통해 숙박을 신청하신 일반참가자분들께 안내메일 드렸습니다. 혹시 9월 11일 이전에 등록하시면서 숙박예약을 신청하였으나 메일을 받지 못하신 분은 조직위원에게 알려주시길 부탁드립니다.)
  • -9월 26일의 숙박에 대하여 학생 신분이신 분들은 키아스외부의 숙박시설을 이용하신 후, 숙박영수증, 통장사본, 학회참가동의서 를 제출하시면 숙박비를 최대 1인당 4만원으로 실비 정산하여 지급하여 드립니다. (구비서류 제출은 Workshop당일 직접 제출하시거나혹은 이메일 (이찬용,>)로 제출가능합니다.)
  • -예를 들어, 2명이서 함께 방을 이용하는 경우는 실비로 지급하여 드리지만, 최대 8만원까지만 지원하여 드립니다. 휘경동 코업이나 베니키아 호텔의 2인 1실 시설을 추천하여 드립니다.



  • Program
    [1st Day, September 26th]
    13:55 ~ 14:00 Opening address
    14:00 ~ 14:40 <Talk I> Jaeun Lee
    "On Cayley Graphs"
    14:50 ~ 15:30 <Talk II>JiYoon Jung
    "The topology of restricted partition posets"
    15:30 ~ 16:00 Coffee Break
    16:00 ~ 16:40 <Talk III> Hana Kim
    "Mutations in ordered trees"
    16:50 ~ 17:20 <Talk IV> Bumtle Kang
    "On consecutive edge magic total labeling of bipartite connected graphs"
    17:30 ~ 18:00 Problem Session
    18:00 ~ Banquet

    [2nd Day, September 27th]
    ~ 09:20 Breakfast
    09:20 ~ 10:00 <Talk V> Norihide Tokushige
    "Intersection problems in the q-ary cube"
    10:00 ~ 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 ~ 11:10 <Talk VI> Mark Siggers
    "Representations of finite distributive lattices"
    11:20 ~ 12:00 <Talk VII> Sandi Klavzar
    "Recent Developments on the Cut Method"