KIAS Combinatorics Workshop Series

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The 4th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop will be held at KIAS on May 30-31, 2014.


  • Date: May 30-31 (Fri-Sat), 2014
  • Venue: KIAS, Room 1503
  • Invited Speakers

    Byungchan Kim (SeoulTech)

    Jaehoon Kim (UIUC/Univ. of Birmingham)

    Jang Soo Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

    Younjin Kim (KAIST)

    O-joung Kwon (KAIST)

    Kang-Ju Lee (Seoul National Univ.)


    Yoomi Rho (Incheon National Univ.)


  • Support
  • Accommodaion: We support accommodations for May 30th to only students and speakers. For more information on accomodation facilities please see Accommodation Page.
  • Meal: We provide all meals during the workshop to all participants.


  • -이번 4th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop 이 열리는 기간에 KIAS 내에 다른 학회도 동시에 개최되는 관계로 KIAS 내에 숙박시설에 여유가 없어, 강연자를 제외한 일반참가자 (학생포함) 분들은 부득이 KIAS 외부에 있는 숙박시설을 이용하셔야 됨을 알려드립니다.
  • -5월 30일의 숙박에 대하여 학생 신분이신 분들은 키아스외부의 숙박시설을 이용하신 후, 숙박영수증, 통장사본, 학회참가동의서 를 제출하시면 숙박비를 최대 1인당 4만원으로 실비 정산하여 지급하여 드립니다.
  • 예를 들어, 2명이서 함께 방을 이용하는 경우는 실비로 지급하여 드리지만, 최대 8만원까지만 지원하여 드립니다. 휘경동 코업이나 베니키아 호텔의 2인 1실 시설을 추천하여 드립니다.


  • Program
    [1st Day, May 30th]
    14:00 ~ 14:10 Opening address
    14:10 ~ 14:50 <Talk I> Yoomi Rho (Slides)
    "On generalized fibonacci cubes"
    15:00 ~ 15:30 <Talk II> O-joung Kwon (Slides)
    "Computing the linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs"
    15:30 ~ 16:00 Coffee Break
    16:00 ~ 16:40 <Talk III> Younjin Kim (Slides)
    "Identifying codes and searching with balls in graphs"
    16:50 ~ 17:20 <Talk IV> Kang-Ju Lee (Slides)
    "The cycle matroid complexes of bi-coned graphs"
    17:30 ~ 17:50 Problem Session
    17:50 ~ Banquet

    [2nd Day, May 31st]
    ~ 09:20 Breakfast
    09:20 ~ 10:00 <Talk V> Byungchan Kim (Slides)
    "The ranks of unimodal sequences"
    10:00 ~ 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 ~ 11:10 <Talk VI> Jang Soo Kim (If you need some information about his talk, pleae email to him, jangsookim at
    "Enumeration of standard Young tableaux using the Selberg integral"
    11:20 ~ 11:50 <Talk VII> Jaehoon Kim (Slides)
    "Improper coloring of sparse graphs with a given girth"