Last Name
First Name
Lee Kimyeong KIAS 2018-09-10
Awasthi Aman Indian Isntitute of Technology, Bombay, India 2018-10-15
Dubey Palash National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneshwar 2018-10-15
Patra Moumita National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneshwar 2018-10-15
Chen Hao Zhejiang University, China 2018-10-17
Gong Jianyu Zhejiang University, China 2018-10-17
Jiang Hongliang ITP, University of Bern 2018-10-20
Huang Zhongjie Zhejiang University, China 2018-10-21
Tian Jia Peking University 2018-10-22
Kim Sungjoon POSTECH 2018-10-22
Chougule Sumeet Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia and Universidad de Concepción, Concepción 2018-10-23
Bhattacharjee Arindam Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune 2018-10-24
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