Algebraic Geometry in East Asia


November 06-10, 2023                   KIAS 1503, Seoul


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KIAS Campus Map 


Moving Inside Buildings : from Building no.1 to KIAS cafeteria

   1. Go downstairs to the 3rd floor of the main building(Bldg.1).

   2. Use the passageway that connects the building. Just go straight forward and if you see Woori-Bank, it means that you arrived at the student union building 3rd floor correctly.

   3. Go downstairs one more time. The cafeteria is one the 2nd floor of the student union building.



Lunch Coupon Usage

   •  You will receive 5-day lunch coupons at the reception desk in front of the 1503 conference room.

   •  These coupons can be used at the KIAS cafeteria only during lunch time (11:30~13:00).

   •  Today’s menu is displayed outside the cafeteria and each corner has different menu. Please choose one.

   •  Please put the lunch coupon inside the transparent  ticket box. Box location is different by Corners. (Please refer to the image)



Tuesday Banquet Venue

   Yuseong-Gwan (유성관)

   Address: 42-23 Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul

   Google Map :




Bus – 201, 273

   •  Get off at ‘KAIST /Hong-neung Elementary School’.

Metro – line no.1

   •  Get off at ‘Cheongnyangni’ or ‘Hoegi’ Station.

From Hoegi Station

   1. From exit No. 1, turn left and follow the sidewalk on the right until you reach the intersection and crosswalk.

   2. Cross the street and turn right.

   3.  Go straight until you see the bus stop.

   4. Take No.273 and get off at 'KAIST /Hong-neung Elementary School’.

From Cheongnyangni Station

   1. When you get out through exit No. 2, ignore the bus stop you see right away and follow the way without making turns until you see another bus stop.

   2. Take No. 201 and get off at 'Hong-neung Elementary School' bus stop.

   3. You will see KIAS(KAIST campus) across the street.


* How to get to the Hotel :

* How to get to KIAS :

* Public Transportation in Seoul:




Scam warning:

Please be aware of potential scams claiming to make housing reservations on your behalf. We were made aware of some participants receiving such messages from "" or similar addresses. Please ignore such emails and do not reply, click shared links, or provide your credit card information.