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PSI 2024: Symmetries, Redundancies, and Dynamics
Symmetries and Gauge Redundancies are two cornerstones for modern quantum field theories that purport to describe the fundamental laws of nature. The gauge principle offers indispensable structures underlying particle physics and string theories while symmetries allow us to extract many otherwise-impossible properties of strongly interacting quantum system. This year, PSI aims at key examples of how symmetries and gauge redundancies are handled and employed, both classically and at quantum level.
► Period&Venue : August 25 - 31 / Pyeongchang Alpensia Resort
► Prerequisites:
Quantum Field Theory
General Relativity
Mathematical Physics (Nakahara or Equivalent)
► Lectures
이필진(KIAS): Miscellany
이상민(SNU): Constrained Systems and Gravity
이성재(KIAS): Rational Conformal Field Theories
김희연(KAIST): Seiberg-Witten and Topological Field Theories
▶ Inquiry
고등과학원 이필진 piljin@kias.re.kr
고등과학원 이성재 sjlee@kias.re.kr
고등과학원 류애리 arryu20@kias.re.kr / 02-958-2640
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