KIAS International workshop: Theoretical challenges in network science
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A bus from Arirang Hill Dongdaemun to KIAS leaves at 08:40 am from monday through friday. 

Group photo: Thursday, September 29 2022, 12:00PM



Anticipating the silver jubilee since its modern reincarnation, the network science is still vigorous in compelling theoretical ideas and challenges.  The aim of the Workshop is, after the long forced hiatus due to global pandemic, to summon the leading experts in the frontiers of theoretical network science and to promote the focused and active discourse about the current challenges and future perspectives in network science with emphasis on theoretical aspects. We hope this in-person workshop will provide a timely opportunity to solidify and expand the theoretical foundation of network science. 


Major outstanding theoretical issues and challenges, including but not limited to: 
Higher-order networks, multiplex networks, network geometry and  renormalizations, physical networks, time-varying networks and dynamics, network robustness, complex dynamic processes such as contagions, etc.


Room 1503 (Building 1, fifth floor) in Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Maps and directions)


The early registration is closed by now, but you can register on site and attend the workshop (There is no registration fee). Please contact the organizers for more information. Early registrants will receive an email with general information and lodging information.

Invited speakers (click name for more information)

Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda (CentAI)

Marián Boguñá (Barcelona)

Young Sul Cho (Jeonbuk Nat'l Univ.)

Young-Ho Eom (U. of Seoul)

Shlomo Havlin (Bar-Ilan)

Laurent Hébert-Dufresne (Vermont)

Hawoong Jeong (KAIST)

Hang-Hyun Jo (CUK)

Byungnam Kahng (KENTECH)

Beom Jun Kim (SKKU)

Heetae Kim (KENTECH)

Sang Hoon Lee (GNU)

Naoki Masuda (Buffalo)

José F.F. Mendes (Aveiro)

Byungjoon Min (CBNU)

Yamir Moreno (Zaragoza)

Juyong Park (KAIST)

Márton Pósfai (CEU)

Seung-Woo Son (Hanyang)

Soon-Hyung Yook (Kyung Hee)




Deok-Sun Lee (KIAS)  Kwang-Il Goh (Korea University) Yamir Moreno (Zaragoza)



Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Korea University
National Research Foundation of Korea



Hyemi Kim (KIAS)  email: