Workshop on moduli spaces, virtual invariants and shifted symplectic structures 2024





22nd - 26th, July, 2024                       KIAS (Soorim Cultural Foundation)



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  Arkadij Bojko (Academia Sinica)

  Yalong Cao (Morningside Center of Mathematics)

  Qingyuan Jiang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

  Adeel Khan (Academia Sinica)

  Nick Kuhn (University in Oslo)

  Hyenho Lho (Chungnam National University)

  Woonam Lim (Utrecht University)

  Henry Liu (Kavli Institute of the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe)

  Sergej Monavari (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

  Denis Nesterov (University of Vienna)

  Jeongseok Oh (Seoul National University)

  Tudor Padurariu (CNRS- Jussieu)

  Hyeonjun Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

  Charanya Ravi (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

  Jemin You (Seoul National University)

  Yang Zhou (Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)



  Young-Hoon Kiem (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

  Hyeonjun Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)


Previous workshop:

  2023 [Click]