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KIAS-SNU Physics Winter Camp 참가자 여러분께, 


안녕하세요 여러분, 캠프 마지막 날인 12월 31일(화)에 1호관 5층 세미나실에서 고등과학원 물리학부의 Colloquium 강의가 있습니다. 

연사는 현재 Google Brain에서 근무하고 계신 Daniel S. Park 박사님이고,

주제는 Selected Examples of Physical Approaches to Neural Networks 입니다.

그룹프로젝트 점심 식사 후 2시에 바로 오시면 됩니다. :)  

여러분의 많은 관심과 참석 바랍니다~ 




December 31.  Tue 14:00 ~


Selected Examples of Physical Approaches to Neural Networks


Daniel S. Park (Google Brain)








I will give a review of recent work where physical approaches have contributed to better understanding (deep) neural networks.

After introducing some basic background on neural networks, I will explain, in some detail, how physics-based ideas have resulted in improving initialization of networks and training time. I will present an overview of additional developments in this field and directions of inquiry that might benefit from a physicist's perspective given the time.