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7월 1일(목) | 7월 2일(금) | ||
9:50 준비 및 개회 | 9:50 준비 | ||
Session 1: Method Development 사회: 한명준 (한국과학기술원) |
10:00~10:40 강준구 (대구경북과학기술원) General gauge symmetry in the theory and simulation of atomic heat transport |
Session 5: Energy and device applications of First-principles methods 사회: 김용훈 (한국과학기술원) |
10:00~10:40 이상욱 (한양대학교) Designing Descriptor for Computational Screening of Argyrodite-based Solid State Superionic Conductors |
10:40~11:20 박철환 (서울대학교) Impurity-Strength Dependent Quasiparticle Interference and Gaussian Time-Dependent Variational Principles for Anharmonic Lattices |
10:40~11:20 Stefan Ringe (대구경북과학기술원) Computational catalyst design at electrified solid-liquid interfaces |
Session 2: Time-dependent phenomena 사회: 방준혁 (충북대학교) |
11:20~12:00 이재동 (대구경북과학기술원) Ultrafast dynamics of Dirac semiconductors |
11:20~12:00 이준희 (울산과학기술원) Ultimate-density ferroelectric memory via flat phonon bands |
12:00~2:00 점심식사 | 12:00~2:00 점심식사 | ||
Session 3: Correlated Materials 사회: 방준혁 (충북대학교) |
2:00~2:40 강창종 (충남대학교) Nature of electronic correlations in a strongly correlated system: the infinite-layer nickelate |
Session 6: Topological Materials 사회: 박노정 (울산과학기술원) |
2:00~2:40 정재일 (서울시립대학교) Gate tunable valley polarization and topological moire bands in ABC-trilayer graphene |
2:40~3:20 심지훈 (포항공과대학교) The role of Hund's coupling on approach to metal insulator transition in NiS2-xSex |
2:40~3:20 진경환 (기초과학연구원) Electronic and topological properties in 1T-TaS2 flat band material |
Session 4: Machine Learning 사회: 한명준 (한국과학기술원) |
3:20~4:00 이예리 (한국화학연구원) Data-driven research using machine-learning approach for materials design |
3:20~4:00 권영균 (경희대학교) Giant Hidden Rashba Effect in Two-dimensional Bi2Si2 with an Inversion Symmetry |
4:00~4:40 이인호 (표준과학연구원) Crystal structure prediction in a representation space |