Mathematics of Fluid Motion: Theory and Computation

December 27-29th                         KIAS 8309

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This Workshop aims to exchange ideas and to encourage fruitful cooperation among researchers in mathematical fluid mechanics. Topics are from all areas of fluid mechanics including vortex phenomena, existence, regularity and singularity of fluid motion.



Invited Speakers

     Hantaek Bae (UNIST, Ulsan)

     Kyudong Choi (UNIST, Ulsan)

     Seungsu Hwang (Chung-Ang U, Seoul)

     Moon-Jin Kang (Sookmyung Women's U, Seoul) 

     Hyunseok Kim (Sogang U, Seoul)

     Robert Krasny (U of Michigan, USA)

     Jihoon Lee (Chung-Ang U, Seoul)

     Hisashi Okamoto (Gakushuin U, Tokyo)



     Bumsig Kim (KIAS)

     Sun-Chul Kim (Chung-Ang U)



     DaEun Kim (