Payment Home > Payment

♦ Registration fee


Nationality Regular fee Special rate for Students/Postdocs
Foreign 150 US dollar 80 US dollar
Domestic 150,000 Korean Won 80,000 Korean won




Payment options


1. Bank Transfer


Please send your registration fee via bank money transfer (without any charge for the beneficiary) to the following bank account.


* Account holder: KIAS
* Purpose of transfer: Your name (NSPCS2024)
* Account number: 014-217484-03-501



2. Credit card


Or pay for registration fee on your credit card via this website.


Click the following to proceed with your credit card payment.


* Overseas (USD)

* Domestic (KRW)



3. Registration fee exemption


There may be very limited funding available for exemption of registration fee. Please specify your request and explanation in the registration form.