KIAS-KU international workshop: Theoretical Challenges in Network Science
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11/4 Monday


[Morning1] Chair:  Laurent Hébert-Dufresne (Vermont)

09:20 - 10:00 Yamir Moreno (Zaragoza) Dynamics of information spreading in complex environments
10:00 - 10:40 Byungnam Kahng (KENTECH)  Synchronizations in the second-order and the mixed-order Kuramoto models


[Morning2] Chair:  Iacopo Iacopini (Northeastern, London)

11:00 - 11:40 Jae Kyoung Kim (IBS/KAISST) Inference of dynamical networks
11:40 - 12:20 István A. Kovács (Northwestern)  How can we learn from noisy, incomplete or even biased network data?


[Afternoon1] Chair: James Gleeson (Limerick)

14:30 - 15:10 Ginestra Bianconi (Queen Mary) Statistical mechanics of higher-order networks
15:10 - 15:50 Giulio Cimini (Tor Vergata)  Grand Canonical ensemble of networks and the transition to Optimal Transport solutions


[Afternoon2] Chair: Samuel Scarpino (Northeastern, Boston)

16:10 - 16:50 Giovanni Petri (Northeastern, London) Renormalization and Higher-Order Interactions: Bridging Structure and Dynamics in Complex Systems
16:50 - 17:30 Meesoon Ha (Chosun) Revisited Finite-Size Scaling of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems


[Posters] 17:30 - 19:00

[P1] Neural Graph Simulator for Complex Systems by Hoyun Choi (SNU)
[P2] Inferring the interaction kernel of coupled biological oscillators using Physics-Informed Neural Networks by Gyuyoung Hwang (IBS)
[P3] Effects of structural properties of neural networks on machine-learning performance by Yash Arya (GNU)
[P4] scLENS: data-driven signal detection for unbiased scRNA-seq data analysis by Hyun Kim (IBS)
[P5] Dynamical Approach to Braess Paradox due to Enhancing Inertia by Sangjoon Park (KENTECH)
[P6] Discerning Braess’ Paradox in the Power Grids Through Strategic Shortcuts by Yunju Choi (KENTECH)
[P7] Exploring Chimera States in Synchronous Oscillators: Focusing Solely on Triadic Interactions by Gugyoung Kim (Hanyang)
[P8] Competition between group interactions and nonlinearity in voter dynamics on hypergraphs by Jihye Kim (Korea)

[P9] Contagion dynamics on hypergraphs with nested hyperedgesby Jihye Kim (Korea)
[P10] Random hypergraph model with higher-order components by Jung-Ho Kim (Korea)
[P11] Collective collapses are mitigated in the international trade hypergraph by Jung-Ho Kim (Korea)
[P12] Local and global wealth condensation on sparse networks & Emergence of cooperation in the social dilemma with wealth-dependent payoffs by Hyun Gyu Lee (KIAS)
[P13] Analyzing the Impact of Sentiment in Naver Stock Forums on Market Trends Using BERT by Jinjoo Yoon (Chosun)
[P14] Correlations in Regional Consumption Patterns in the Republic of Korea during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Complex Networks Approach by Woori Bong (Chosun)
[P15] Mapping the structure of knowledge acquisition from STEM education data in Korean universities by Gahyoun Gim (GNU)
[P16] Finite Size Scaling Approach for Revealing Inherent Scale-Freeness in Heterogeneous Networks by Yeonsu Jeong (Hanyang)

[P17] Susceptible-Infected-Recovered/Dead-Susceptible (SIR/DS) model with mutation on complex networks by HaeChan Seo (KyungHee)
[P18] Information Dynamics and Phase Transitions on Complex Networks by HwaRang Kim (KyungHee)
[P19] Phase Transitions in the Simplicial Ising Model on Hypergraphs by Gangmin Son (KIAS)
[P20] Role of Spectral Dimension and Edge Overlaps in Mutual Percolation on Multiplex Networks by Gangmin Son (KIAS)
[P21] Inference of the latent hyperbolic organization of networks by Bukyoung Jhun (Central European University)
[P22] Bifurcations and multistability in empirical mutualistic networks by Andrus Giraldo (KIAS)
[P23] Spectral dimension and coarse-graining of hypergraphs for diffusion by Sudo Yi (KIAS)
[P24] Research on AI Models for Generating Somatic and Germline Mutational Sequences by Youngmin Kim (Hanyang)
[P25] CoarseNet by Marco Fernández da Silva (Zaragoza)



11/5 Tuesday


[Morning1] Chair:  Antoine Allard (Laval)

09:20 - 10:00 Byungjoon Min (Chungbuk) A new perspective of network stability: Insight from no-exclaves percolation and attractor networks
10:00 - 10:40 Claudio Castellano (ISC-CNR)  Percolation in networks: beyond nearest neighbors


[Morning2] Chair:  Andrea Gabrielli (Roma Tre)

11:00 - 11:40 Filippo Radicchi (Indiana) Modeling resource consumption and transit efficiency in transport systems with percolation and multiplex networks
11:40 - 12:20 Young-Ho Eom (UoS)  Collective phenomena on urban road networks: From macroscopic congestion spreading to microscopic car trajectories


[Afternoon1] Chair: István A. Kovács (Northwestern)

14:30 - 15:10 Federico Battiston (CEU) Social networks with higher-order interactions: structural organization and evolutionary dynamics
15:10 - 15:50 Yuanzhao Zhang (Santa Fe) Dynamics on hypergraphs and hypergraphs from dynamics


[Afternoon2] Chair: Giovanni Petri (Northeastern, London)

16:10 - 16:50 Mason Porter (UCLA) Complex Networks with Complex Weights
16:50 - 17:30 Cheol-Min Ghim (UNIST) Lost Opportunities in the Innovation Landscape of Genetic Research
17:30 - 18:10 Clara Granell (Rovira i Virgili) The role of timing on waning immunity in epidemics: The Rebound Effect


11/6 Wednesday

[Morning1] Chair:  Alex Arenas (Rovira i Virgili)

09:20 - 10:00 Andrea Gabrielli (Roma Tre) The Laplacian Renormalization Groups (LRG) unveils the structural organization of heterogeneous networks
10:00 - 10:40 Antoine Allard (Laval)  Simplicity meets complexity: Challenges in reproducing complex connectivity patterns with simple models


[Morning2] Chair:  Xiangrong Wang (Shenzhen)

11:00 - 11:40 Samir Suweis (Padova) Ecological Network Dynamics and Fluctuations Favour Species Coexistence in Ecological Communities
11:40 - 12:20 Hye Jin Park (Inha)  Incorporating Heterogeneous Interactions for Ecological Biodiversity


11/7 Thursday


[Morning1] Chair:  Federico Battiston (CEU)

09:20 - 10:00 Alex Arenas (Rovira i Virgili) The Role of Interaction Overlap in the Spread of Complex Contagions on Higher-Order Networks
10:00 - 10:40 Kijung Shin (KAIST)  Mining of Real-world Hypergraphs: Patterns, Tools, and Generators


[Morning2] Chair:  Filippo Radicchi (Indiana)

11:00 - 11:40 Samuel Scarpino (Northeastern, Boston) Epistemic Challenges in Contagion Modeling
11:40 - 12:20 Eun Lee (Pukyong)  Structural Inequalities in Faculty Career Trajectories in South Korea


[Afternoon1] Chair: Claudio Castellano (ISC-CNR)

14:30 - 15:10 James Gleeson (Limerick) Branching processes for cascades on networks
15:10 - 15:50 Xiangrong Wang (Shenzhen) Information diffusion on social networks


[Afternoon2] Chair: Mason Porter (UCLA)

16:10 - 16:50 Alberto Aleta (Zaragoza) Incorporating Heterogeneity in Epidemic Models
16:50 - 17:30 Sang Hoon Lee (GNU) Kaleidoscopic reorganization of network communities across different scales


11/8 Friday

[Morning1] Chair:  Ginestra Bianconi (Queen Mary)

09:20 - 10:00  Iacopo Iacopini (Northeastern, London) The temporal dynamics of group interactions in higher-order social networks
10:00 - 10:40  Leah Keating (UCLA)  An approximate master equation description of the Watts’ threshold model on higher-order networks


[Morning2] Chair:  Yamir Moreno (Zaragoza)

11:00 - 11:40 Cook Hyun Kim (KENTECH) A new type of Synchronization: Frequency Resonance
11:40 - 12:20 Laurent Hébert-Dufresne (Vermont)  Complexity and criticality of heterogeneous or anisotropic cascade models