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This tab displays detailed announcements for Part 1+2, such as the scheduled lecture dates, and contain for addiional materials and references. Zoom links and main lecture notes shall be distributed separately. Please note that Zoom coordinates for January will be different from the earlier one. 


Lecture dates (Perhaps predictably, the initial plan of 7 weeks proved too short.)

Oct. 30th / Nov. 6th / Nov. 13th / Nov. 20th / Dec. 4th / Dec. 11th / Dec. 27th (4-6PM)  / Jan. 8th (canceled) / Jan. 15th / Jan. 22nd / Jan. 24th (tentative)


Supplementary material & references below are for standalone topics that will be covered minimally in the lecture and treated as "prerequisite". These should prove helpful for digesting main lectures which would either use these material or motivate them. 

Appendix A: Constrained Dynamics 


Heat Kernel Expansion and QED Running Coupling

Appendix C.4: Clifford Algebra and Spinors


The following are some classic references for further reading, if you wish, after your digest the lectures:

K.G. Wilson & John B. Kogut, "The Renormalization group and the epsilon expansion", Phys.Rept. 12 (1974) 75-199

A.O. Barvinsky & G.A. Vilkovisky, "The Generalized Schwinger-Dewitt Technique in Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity", Phys.Rept. 119 (1985) 1-74