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양자장론1 (최성열 교수님)


강의노트 [다운로드]

[1] Three Derivations of the Dirac Equation

[2] Covariant EM formulation

[3] The Dirac Equation

[4] Great equations

[5] Klein-Gordon equation

[6] Poincar´e Group

[7] Special relativity



양자장론2 (이재식 교수님)


강의노트 [다운로드]

[1] Chapter 8, and 25 in M. D. Schwartz, “Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model,” Cambridge University Press, 2014, ISBN 978-1-107-03473-0,

[2] H. E. Logan, “TASI 2013 lectures on Higgs physics within and beyond the Standard Model,” [arXiv:1406.1786 [hep-ph]].



우주론1 (신창섭 교수님)


강의노트 [다운로드]

[1] The Early Universe by Edward Kolb, Michael Turner

[2] Cosmology by Daniel Baumann



우주론2 (박성찬 교수님)



[1] S. Weinberg [Cosmology] 

[2] D. Baumann lecture [Cosmology]

[3] PDG review on Inflation